From: Anca Salcudean []
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 10:47 AM
To: ‚Stoffel, Windesheim‘
Subject: Thank you from Caritas Blaj
** Into the Spirit of Christmas **
Dear partners of Humanitäre Hilfe Windesheim!
December has become, with your help and support, a month full of joy and
happiness for all the beneficiaries of our projects.
This year, like the last 10 years, you were beside us and our work, by coming
in November in Blaj, bringing with you the 41st transport of humanitarian aid.
No one was forgotten, children, young people, old people and families with
difficulties, all will be happy and thankful this Christmas.
For the first time, this year, 85 children and youth with physical, mental or associated disabilities, from the countryside, part of the new project, received Christmas presents. Impressed by the cases of children and youth with disabilities, you have prepared with a great joy: clothes, shoes, toys, teaching materials and sweets.
6000 kilos of food, fruits and clothes were distributed for 220 old people from our care, 60 children from Pruncul Isus recovery center, 80 families in need, 85 children with disabilities and their families, and 350 students.
We also support parishes, homes, religious orders and educational institutions.
Caritas Blaj team thanks you and wish you a blessed and happy Christmas!
Anca Salcudean